Our Mission is to “Create Powerful Business Models for SMEs and the Creative Industries to become
transformational industries for Jamaica’s economy!”
In 2022 The Honey Bun Foundation accepted the first cohort of its Advisory Committee Model. Each qualified SME was paired with three advisors, to work with them for 12 months to execute their Strategic Road Map. Here are some of their successes. To access your own group of advisors, apply below.

William Watson: Creative Director Adlib Studios
“The Honey Bun Foundation’s Advisory Committee, provided a new perspective and insight into what our weaknesses were and provided solutions on how to address them.
Throughout the year we learnt how to implement solutions ranging from improving our management system, structure, and operations. The advisory team also assisted us in assessing our long and short terms goals and how to analyze our financial data which helped us to plan better and forecast in a more realistic way.”

Amanda McKenzie: Executive Director Shiloah Beehive
“The Honey Bun Foundation’s Advisory Committee has helped my business access new markets. New retail markets were added, and this has improved the accessibility of our products for customers.
It has also resulted in increased profits – revenue increased by 50% and a we had a 30 % increase in profit over last year. It also helped improve our financial planning. The guidance in financial planning, gave us a thorough understanding of organising the business for financial success. There is a greater appreciation for the use of financial tools to measure our performance and allocating our resources effectively to achieve targets.”

Candice Gordon: Founder and Managing Director of Shevelle Naturals
“The Honey Bun Foundation’s Advisory Committee was truly a transformational experience. It has helped me to develop strategies and framework necessary to convert my company from a hobby into a business that is poised for growth.
It was truly refreshing to have a group of persons I could share my ideas with and get really meaningful feedback. Throughout the year Shevielle was able to move from basically one distribution outlet to 10, double its sales revenue, and for the first time had been able to take on staff.”

Jordan Dawson: Owner and managing director of Dawson Trading Company
“Through its advisory committee model, The Honey Bun Foundation has provided Dawson’s Trading Company its bedrock for growth, allowing our company to grow its revenue by over 50% per year, moving Dawson Trading Company from a small to a medium company in just two years.”