Have you ever played the game Hey Robot? It’s the one where you try to get Alexa (or other AI assistants, like Siri or Google Home) to say a word by asking a question in such a way to elicit the response you’re after. Here’s a clip of Jimmy Fallon playing it in pre-Covid times. […]
The Kingston Creative brand is bold and will persist in its promotion of downtown Kingston as a cultural, artful hotspot even as citizens are asked to keep off the streets in the continued effort to flatten the curve of the COVID-19 viral spread. The brand will persist in the same fashion as many others have […]
The Honey Bun Foundation, the philanthropic arm of Honey Bun Limited, hosted a virtual summit on Thursday, featuring business leaders and industry experts sharing tips on and insights into how small and medium enterprises (SMEs) and persons in the creative industry could find opportunities to thrive despite the economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic. […]