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Small enterprises have a new diagnostic tool to work with as they try to establish and grow their businesses.

The Honey Bun Foundation has partnered with Digicel Foundation and others to develop and deploy Gapp App, through which small business, or SMEs, can periodically assess their operations and processes.

The sponsors and supporting entities of the initiative were announced at its launch on Wednesday as tech developer for Gapp App Niritech Digital, JAMPRO, EXIM Bank Jamaica, Jamaica Manufacturers and Exporters Association, Jamaica Business Development Corporation and Kingston Creative.

Each business with a registered account on the app can complete a business survey once a month. Gapp, which was developed at a cost of $2.5 million, will score the various metrics of business health, according to information inputted in the surveys, covering areas of the business such as human resources, marketing, finance and others. These results will also be saved in the app for reference, and SMEs can act on the results to resolve issues or weaknesses over time.

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